Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


Remember The Orange Blossom Mall?

June 27th is National Orange Blossom Day! This day is set aside to enjoy Orange Blossoms for their aesthetic beauty. Fragrant orange blossoms offer multiple health benefits when prepared correctly to make a tea or orange blossom water. Some of the advantages may include improved sleep, reduced anxiety and improved circulation. Not surprisingly, the orange blossom is Florida’s state flower. Not only do the flowers result in the sweet as sunshine orange fruit, but thanks to the pollinating bees, we also get to enjoy a unique honey with a faintly orange flavor a delightful treat. I love it when you walk outside and the orange blossoms are in bloom!

Of course, around here, when you think of Orange Blossoms, you might think of the Orange Blossom Mall. At least, I do! Great memories of shopping at the toy store there... then the records stores... and Radio Shack! Eating at the Corn Dog 7 and playing video games at Diamond Jim's. My Mom was fond of Belk Lindsey and my Dad usually walked through Sears. And then there was the pet store and Raffles! Loved to eat at Raffles.

Do you have any memories of the Orange Blossom Mall?

There are some awesome pics from around 2006 HERE. You can see what they call "label scars" from the old signs in the mall, before it was refurbished.

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