Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


Police Help Homeless Woman Reunite With Family

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

Officer Sterling Candland and his partner, Carlos Chorens, first met Rose Brazdovic when they found her living on the streets in feeble condition. They say they just had a feeling they couldn’t walk away from Rose with a good conscience.

So the officers got to know the 75-year-old and her story. They found out she was being taken advantage of by people she trusted, but they helped get her away from all that and get the services she needed. While Rose didn’t ask for their help, Candland and Chorens connected her with Rochelle Fletcher with the city’s Community Resource & Resiliency Center, who got her into a shelter and tracked down her family.

With their assistance, Rose’s health improved and behind the scenes, the officers worked with a city attorney to get three misdemeanor charges of aggressive panhandling against her dropped. Fletcher arranged for Rose to reunite with her son, who she lost touch with almost 30 years ago. Thanks to her trio of guardian angels, Rose reconnected with her son and his family, including grandchildren she didn’t even know she had, first over Zoom, then in person. She’s now living with them in Louisiana and she’s beyond grateful to be there.

“God put them in her life just to take care of her,” Rose’s son Michael Michrina says of the officers and Fletcher. “I guess they reaffirmed that there’s still good people out there.”

See the full story from KSL HERE.

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