Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


Glass Bottom Bridge Twists In Wind; Glass Panels Fall Out Trapping Man

This is the stuff of nightmares!

A tourist was crossing a glass-bottomed bridge in China over 300 feet in the air when winds of 90mph twisted and destroyed the bridge, leaving the man dangling far above the ground.

The glass apparently didn’t shatter; instead, the winds twisted the bridge and caused the glass panels to fall out.

The man was able to crawl back to safety with guidance from firefighters, police, and forestry and tourism workers then taken to the hospital for counseling. The park was closed for what reports called “a brief period” before reopening to the public.

Read more of the story HERE.

Photo: Getty Images

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