Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


St. Lucie County Sees Uptick In Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

Looks like there's an uptick in disease activity thank to lots of mosquitos around. Of course, those mosquitos are here thanks to all the rain we've had lately.

The Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County advised residents this afternoon that there has been an increase in mosquito-borne disease activity, especially in northern and western areas of St. Lucie County.

Several sentinel chickens have tested positive for West Nile virus infection. The risk of transmission to humans has increased in St. Lucie County. Mosquito Control and DOH-St. Lucie continue surveillance and prevention efforts.

According to the CDC, mosquitoes are the world’s deadliest animal, and kills more people, than any other creature in the entire world.

DOH-St. Lucie reminds residents and visitors to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes and to take basic precautions to help limit exposure. To protect yourself from mosquitoes, you should remember to “Drain and Cover”:

DRAIN standing water to stop mosquitoes from multiplying.

Drain water from garbage cans, house gutters, buckets, pool covers, coolers, toys, flower pots or any other containers where sprinkler or rain water has collected.

Discard old tires, drums, bottles, cans, pots and pans, broken appliances and other items that aren't being used.

Empty and clean birdbaths and pet's water bowls at least once or twice a week.

Flush water-holding plants, such as bromeliads regularly with water.

Protect boats and vehicles from rain with tarps that don’t accumulate water.

Maintain swimming pools in good condition and appropriately chlorinated. Empty plastic swimming pools when not in use.

COVER skin with clothing or repellent.

Clothing - Wear shoes, socks, and long pants and long-sleeves. This type of protection may be necessary for people who must work in areas where mosquitoes are present.

Repellent - Apply mosquito repellent to bare skin and clothing.

COVER doors and windows with screens to keep mosquitoes out of your house.

Repair broken screening on windows, doors, porches, and patios.


Source: St. Lucie County Department Of Health

Photo: Getty Images

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