Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


Teeth Check In Mirror Results In Crash With St. Lucie County Deputy

I saw this on TCPalm.com and had to share:

A 21-year-old driver crashed head-on into a St. Lucie County Sheriff's deputy's car all because he was apparently checking his teeth in the rear-view mirror instead of watching where he was driving.

The man's Honda "drifted into the opposite lane of travel" and crashed "head-on" with the deputy. The SLC deputy said that before the crash happened, he honked the horn and eve turn on the siren to get the Honda driver's attention. He still kept checking his teeth and crashed into the deputy's car.

Here's the full story from TCPalm: CLICK HERE.

Photo: Getty Images

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