Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


Strangest Holiday Gifts Received From Co-Workers

With the holidays fast approaching, there’s a good chance a lot of people will soon be exchanging gifts with their co-workers, and that could lead to some awkward exchanges.

According to a new CareerBuilder poll, 22% of workers say they’ll buy holiday gifts for their co-workers, and 22% will buy a gift for their boss. As for how much they’ll spend, the most common range is between $11 and $50, with 59% of workers willing to spend that amount, while 34% will spend $10 or less, and 6% will go big and spend more than $51

And while some people will go simple with a gift card or maybe a box of chocolates, there are always going to be people who are a bit out there with gifts. The poll asked folks about the most unusual gifts they’ve ever gotten from a co-worker and the responses are certainly strange and amusing.

Among the most unusual holiday gifts received: 

  • A coaster with their face on it
  • A nightgown
  • Chicken earrings
  • Coupons from a grocery store
  • Roasted grasshoppers
  • Saran Wrap
  • Jar of glitter
  • Party dip recipe
  • An ornament shaped like an engagement ring
  • Wooden cat statues
  • Used candles

As for the gift most workers want - money - it seems a lot of folks may be getting what they wish for. The poll finds that 61% of employers plan to hand out holiday bonuses this year, which is up from 54% last year.

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