Tiger King Joke Increases Business For A Baskin Robbins Store

In Junction City, Kansas, Peggy Hedstab is the owner of a local Baskin Robbins ice cream store, and, like most small businesses right now, her business is down and she's hurting. But then one small homemade sign changed all that.

Although she had never watched the Netflix hit "Tiger King," her son had, and as a joke suggested she put up a sign that read: "No Relation to Carole Baskin!" Well, she did - right on the marquee of her store - and she says business suddenly doubled.

She's limited to carryout orders and DoorDash deliveries under her state's social distancing rules, but she's thrilled to have the extra business and says she also gets a lot of horn honks from those driving by. Peggy hasn't heard a word from Baskin-Robbins headquarters about the sign or the uptick in business, but she notes that, as the franchise owner, she's able to make decisions about her signs independently.

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