Occasionally, on their Facebook page, Florida's Marion County Sheriff's Department will detail an arrest and post some mugshots. It helps keep their followers up to date on what's going on in the county. Usually the posts will get a couple likes and some comments, but a recent one is going viral.
The post describes how a deputy pulled a car over for an expired tag. It turned out though that the driver, 34-year-old Ricky Deeley, had a suspended license, while one of the passengers had a warrant out for his arrest and another had meth, a gun, cocaine, marijuana and pills on her. All three were arrested and booked at the Marion County Jail, where their mugshots were taken. It's actually the driver's mugshot that caused the post to get shared thousands of times because of his unique look.
With such a distinct appearance, the comments were pretty brutal. Many commenters went after his ears, writing things like:
"His arrest was awful but his hearing should be pretty good."
I’m surprised that he didn’t avoid the traffic stop. You know he could hear the officer from a mile away. Regardless, this kind of stuff happening around Halloween is downright spooky and ear-y.
"No point in even insulting the guy, he’s heard it all before"
"The guy with the ears is definitely a flight risk 🐘"
"At first I thought this was a casting call for a new “The Hills Have Eyes” movie..."
Although many people had no problem dragging the man for his look, others came to his defense to stop the cyber-bullying:
"Glad they are off the streets, I know I'll get alot of negative with this but I really don't care. We teach our children not to make fun of others deformities and be kind to one another and I read these comments from people that should know better, You think that if the guy was not picked on he may not be in the position he's in. Sad we can make fun of others, this is part of what's wrong with the would."
"I’m sure he’s been picked on enough...Maybe If people didn’t pick on him his entire life he would’ve chosen a different path. Speak life. speak love!! I hope they get the help they need to get clean."
"Wow! Bullies are everywhere, including our groups. I'm sure they are also bullies and that press you all in their category! You all sound very proud to be in that group! At what age do you grow up? I think immaturity is on the rise around here."
"Not funny, not amazing, not someone to make fun of. It’s sad that these people are ruining their lives and probably others also. Prayers for all!"
"I will never laugh at an addicts story. I will only pray that they have a support system and see the damage they’ve caused. I pray for their families most of all"
The response to Deeley's mugshot is pretty different from the reaction to hot felon Jeremy Meeks' jailhouse pic.
Photo: Marion County Sheriff's Office