A bachelorette party is supposed to be filled with fun and debauchery, and that’s certainly true for ones held in New Orleans. But it seems one recent bachelorette party took a rather disturbing turn when the party girls found a dead body in their Airbnb.
The bachelorette party got off to a bad start when several of the party goer’s had flight problems. Then, when they finally arrived at their accommodations they noticed a man in an apartment attached to the one they rented. He was sitting on a futon, and they figured he was another renter or even the owner so they went out for the evening to begin their celebrations.
But when they got back they noticed the man was still there and in the same position, and after realizing he wasn’t breathing and had foam around his mouth they called 911. Cops later reported they believed the man died from a drug overdose.
Now while that may have put most people in a less than party mood, these gals didn’t let it sour their good time. After Airbnb found them accommodations in a hotel they continued their party, and even drank a toast to the man. "When it comes to New Orleans, it was one of the coolest cities,” bachelorette party guest Abbey Donahue said, according to "The Advocate." “We figured if this person did not get to live out his life, we should celebrate him in New Orleans all weekend long."
Source:Business Insider