Top Baby Names for 2016 Revealed!

While celebrities continue to give their babies unique names like Luna or Bear, it seems the average mom and dad are sticking to classic monikers. According to the Social Security Administration’s annual list of the most popular baby names, Noah was the top name for boys in 2016, the fourth year in a row it has held the title, while Emma was the most popular name for girls for a third year.

In general, both the boy and girl Top Ten is pretty similar to 2015, with only Alexander falling off the list for boys, and Elijah making the list for the first time. Meanwhile Charlotte seems to be gaining in popularity for girls, as has William and Mason for boys. 

Photo of a baby, staring at camera, isolated on white; Shutterstock ID 32418877; PO: today

Most Popular Names For Girls In 2016

  1. Emma
  2. Olivia
  3. Ava
  4. Sophia
  5. Isabella
  6. Mia
  7. Charlotte
  8. Abigail
  9. Emily
  10. Harper 

Most Popular Names For Boys

  1. Noah
  2. Liam
  3. William
  4. Mason
  5. James
  6. Benjamin
  7. Jacob
  8. Michael
  9. Elijah
  10. Ethan

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