Ultra Music Festival Cancelled Due To Coronavirus

Ultra Music Festival Miami has officially been cancelled for Miami. After meeting with Miami city officials earlier today amid the coronavirus outbreak, the festival has made the decision to cancel their event.

According to Miami Herald, "Wednesday morning, Suarez, Carollo and City Manager Art Noriega met with Ultra representatives to discuss the possibility of postponing the three-day event, which is scheduled to open March 20 at Bayfront Park. The meeting followed a press conference where Carollo and Suarez called for the event’s postponement."

However, it looks like the "postponement" of the festival may not be until next year, all this ultimately leading concert goers to say the 2020 Ultra Music Festival is cancelled.

The festival is said to make an official announcement regarding the festival and ticket holders on Friday morning.

More updates on this as soon as we have them.

According to Miami Hearl

Source: Miami Herald

Photo: Getty Images

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