Florida Man Hunting Iguanas Causes School Lockdown

Oh boy! Here we go again... An elementary and middle school in Florida were put under lock down a few days ago after a man (a "Florida Man") with a rifle was spotted near the campuses. What was the man doing? Hunting iguanas!

Roy Wathen was apparently hired to hunt iguanas in the nearby area with a pellet gun. A witness in the area called authorities as you should when you see something suspicious. The anonymous caller didn't know who Ron was or what he was doing and after spotting the weapon in his hand wasn't taking any chances.

Law enforcement called for a lockdown to be placed at the nearby LA Ainger Middle School and Vineland Elementary School.

The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office later provided this report of the incident.

"This afternoon around 3:30 p.m. a report came into dispatch of an armed man in the vicinity of the Vineland Elementary School. Both Vineland Elementary and nearby LA Ainger Middle School were put on lockdown immediately. Within 12 minutes of learning of the incident the subject was located and detained for questioning." - Charlotte County Sheriff's Office

Ultimately, Ron Wathen was released from custody and issued a trespass warning.

What should you take away from this story? Leave iguanas alone, especially in school zones.

Source: Fox 4 Southwest Florida

Photo: Charlotte County Sheriff's Department

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