Tonight is the night all the kids in your lives have been waiting all year for! Costumes, a candy haul, and a sugar rush! but we want to make sure that the crash after all the candy is the only down-side to their night.
The American Red Cross shared this list of safety tips to ensure a safe night of trick or treating. Parents, you may think you know all the advice for Halloween, but it is still worth checking out one more time before you send little ones out.
- Use face makeup instead of masks are masks can be difficult to see through.
- Give trick-or-treaters a flashlight
- Add reflective tape to costumes and candy buckets
- Have everyone wear light colored clothing and costumes
- Make sure you know where your children are going. Young children should NEVER trick or treat without an adult.
- Be cautious around animals.
- Walk, don't run.
- Only visit homes that have a porch light on.
- Only accept treats at the door. Never go inside someones home.
- Walk on the sidewalk or on the edge of the roadway. (Never in the street). Face traffic.
- Look both ways before crossing the street and cross only at corners.
- Don't cut across yards or use alleys.
- Don't cross between parked cars.
- If you are driving on Halloween night, use extreme caution.
- Make sure to remove loose candy, open packages, and choking hazards.
- Discard any candy with a brand name you are not familiar with.
- If you are welcoming trick or treaters at your house, make sure to light your front steps well.
- Sweep leaves from your sidewalks and steps. Clear your porch or front yard of obstacles someone could trip over.
Source: American Red Cross