Spring Breakers are WILD and South Florida is a premier destination for them which is why Miami Beach PD are issuing all kinds of warnings to them! Police remind tourists that drinking outside of hotels, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, smoking marijuana, riding on top of vehicles, and loud music are all prohibited in South Beach.
They definitely get the point across to tourists with two very fun advertisements too. One says "Come On Vacation, Don't Leave On Probation" and another says "Choose Your Bars Wisely" with a picture of jail cell bars.
Police also say want spring breakers to remember that was happens in South Beach doesn't stay in South Beach and you will be arrested for reckless and dangerous behavior.
Miami Beach PD has pulled out all the stops this Spring Break including $700,000 in overtime for their officers. They expect college kids to be in town until April 2nd. Below are 2 examples of what not to do if you are spring breaking in the area.
Source: Local 10, Photos: Miami Beach Police Department