The 13 Best Foods For Losing Weight

Right now, putting your body into ketosis is the trendy key to shedding excess tonnage, but the reality is that if you move your body, eat less, and eat smarter, you’re going to see some results. Here’s a new list of the 13 foods that have been proven most effective for those looking to drop some pounds.

Quinoa – High in fiber and a complete protein, plus rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. What’s not to like here?

Mushrooms – Vegetarians use them as “meat substitutes,” and if you mix it in with a burger patty you might not even notice the lack of excess meat.

Berries – Blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries can land some flavor to otherwise boring “diet” meals.

Spinach – Just don’t douse it in sugar-laden salad dressings.

Dark Chocolate – One small square of the stuff can fend off a sugar craving while controlling calories. Eating the entire bar is another thing entirely.

Peppers – Loads of Vitamin C, and a great weight loss trigger.

Apples – Portable, tasty, around 100 calories, and great before a workout.

Carrots – A good substitute for a bag of chips, unless you’re also incorporating a butt-load of ranch dressing.

Beans – Not just good for the heart.

Edamame – Another “complete” protein with the healthy kind of fats.

Nuts – In moderation, walnuts and almonds are a fantastic fat/fiber combo.

Kale – Everyone knows it’s good for you, but…blech!

Swiss Card – Loaded with everything that’s good for you but watch what you cover it with to make it tasty.

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