Today Is The Last Day For Yahoo! Messenger

Remember Yahoo! Messenger? Well, today is the last to enjoy this wonderful creation. Yahoo! has announced that July 17, 2018 is the final day for it's direct connect app.

Launched in 1998, Yahoo! Messenger was THE way to connect with friends all over the globe, in the years before texting on your phone really took off. It was also, probably, the #1 reason work slowed down in the early part of the new millenium, as workers would be seen working on their computer, but really conversing by text with friends anywhere. 

I was one of those!

I can remember staying up late at night texting with friends all over the state, or in some instances, all over the country.

And I distinctly remember the early part of 9/11, when one of my friends reached out to me (since I worked in the media) asking "what is going on? Do you know?" in relation to the early morning attack on New York City. The ol' Messenger was there for a lot of conversations in my early adult years.

RIP Yahoo! Messenger.

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