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Alright... this is weird.
A few weeks before she suddenly passed away last year, Diane Sweeney of Oklahoma City mentioned to her nephew that she wanted to give her prized 2016 Volkswagen Beetle to someone who came to her funeral. Fulfilling his aunt’s wishes, Rick Ingram reached out to the local news to announce the car giveaway.
And that caught the attention of 16-year-old Gabriella Bonham of nearby El Reno.
Along with her sisters and cousins, Bonham attended the complete stranger's funeral. Afterward she said she felt like she’d gotten to know a bit about the kind and generous person that Diane Sweeney had been. And, of course, she also filled out a raffle ticket for the car before she left.
It took a year to settle Sweeney’s estate, but then her family was free to hold the raffle to give away her Beetle, like she’d requested. With help from the funeral home staff, Ingram drew Bonham’s name to receive his aunt’s car and reached out to the teen. A couple of days later, the teen excitedly went and picked up her new ride.
The nephew of the late Sweeney thinks the perfect winner was chosen and that his aunt would be pleased with how it all turned out.
“A young girl starting her life as Diane’s was ending,” Ingram says, “It worked out perfectly."
See? Told you it was weird.
Read more from Fox News HERE.