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If you ever thought that Google Chrome’s “Incognito Mode” protected you from data mining and it kept your searches secret from everyone, you might want to rethink that.
The NY Post reports that emails from within the Google company show that employees joked about what “Incognito Mode” really does, as opposed to what users thought it did. Essentially, Google isn’t being upfront about how much users information is still exposed. While folks might think they’re private and protected in their searches, they just aren’t.
Over 50% of users falsely believe that going Incognito prevents Google from seeing what they’re searching for. Along those lines, more than 40% falsely think it “prevents websites from estimating their location.” Other people using a specific device won’t see your online activity, “websites you visit, your employer or school, and your internet service provider” may still be able to find out.
According to documents revealed in court, one Google employee even reportedly suggested changing the Incognito launch screen to say, “You ARE NOT protected from Google.” That suggestion was shot down by Google execs.
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