Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


Family Wakes Up To A Giant 10 Foot Crocodile Hanging Out In Their Pool

A 10-foot crocodile made itself right at home in a family's pool and they weren't pleased to find it hanging out in their backyard.

Jacob and Angel Breytenbach, from Moedwil, South Africa, woke up early one morning and spotted “something large floating” in her pool. It didn’t take long for the family to realize it was a croc and called animal control experts to her home.

“I must applaud everyone for their awesome handling of the situation,” Angel said of the team who helped bring the creature to safety. Thrilling footage taken during the croc’s capture shows the team using a lasso to wrestle the beast out of the pool as it thrashes in the water.

The Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation of Johannesburg organized the crocodile’s safe transfer back to the wild after it was likely displaced by recent weather events, they said.

Photo: Getty Images

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