Heath West

Heath West

I’m super proud to have been with you guys on the Treasure Coast airwaves for the last twenty five years! I was born, raised, and now live and work...Full Bio


Teacher Giving Every Student Shoes For Christmas

Teaching assistant Bethany Martin decided to celebrate her birthday by doing acts of kindness for others instead of collecting gifts for herself. She’s sent letters of appreciation to different people every day, delivered flowers to law enforcement officers, and her biggest goal is to get new shoes for the kindergarten students at her school, Sequoyah Elementary in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

After Martin saw students coming to school in torn and worn-out sneakers, she decided to give them new shoes. She measured their feet, asked about styles and colors they like, and started raising money to get a new pair of shoes for each of the 80 kindergarten students. But when her GoFundMe page raised over $17,000, she expanded her plan to include new kicks for each kid at the school - all 620 of them!

"It will open the door for their families to spend their money on toys and Christmas presents, rather than having to worry about having to provide basic needs for their children," Martin explains. "The fact that there has been so many strangers that I will never meet donating to a kid that they will never meet is just the most amazing feeling."

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