Lion Country Safari took to Facebook Tuesday afternoon to share sad news about an incident that killed two of their giraffes. About 6 weeks ago, giraffes Lily and Jioni were in the pasture in their habitat when they were killed. Recent pathology reports confirmed that the two were struck by lightning during a thunderstorm that quickly developed. According to the report, their passing was instantaneous.
Workers at Lion Country Safari continue to morn the loss of these two beautiful creatures. Lion Country Safari chose to keep this news private until the pathology results came out.
Staff on-site did say the giraffes have access to numerous shelters if they choose to use them. The full statement from Lion Country Safari can be read below.
"We are deeply saddened to share the passing of two of our giraffe due to a lightning strike. Lily and Jioni were in the pasture in their habitat when a severe thunderstorm quickly developed 6 weeks ago. Recent pathology results confirm that the giraffe did pass as a result of the lightning and that the manner of their passing was instantaneous. The giraffe do have access to numerous shelters in the multi-acre habitat, if they choose to use them. The keepers and our whole team were understandably devastated by this sudden and tragic loss; out of respect for their mourning and the pending pathology results, we waited to share this information. We continue to mourn our two incredibly lovely and charismatic giraffe; they will both be sorely missed."
The animals are like family to those at Lion Country Safari and our hearts are with them during this difficult time.
Source: Palm Beach Post, Lion Country Safari