A year-long feud with neighbors in a West Palm Beach neighborhood ends in an arrest after sex toys are displayed. According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, a fence separates two families who have been fighting for the last year. Last week, the arrest report states Janice and Vincent Cuillo took it too far.
The report says the problems began in January 2018 when the other family, who's names have been left out, requested a permit to build a treehouse for their children. Since that date, deputies have responded to complaints about the Cuillo’s 11 times.
Deputies say the Cuillo’s retaliated against the children by placing speakers outside and blasting inappropriate music with vulgar language only when the children were playing in the backyard. Then deputies had to respond yet again when neighbors say the Cuillo’s hung sex toys just several feet away from the children’s tree house. Deputies asked the couple to move the sex toys, and instead of getting rid of them, the Cuillo’s placed them on a ladder even closer to the tree house.
The Cuillo’s now face charges for displaying obscene material, aggravated stalking, breaching the peace, and violating the county ordinance for excessive noise.
Hopefully, this will all be over soon and the kids can finally enjoy their treehouse! On the plus side, they have an interesting story to tell when they're older. #OnlyInFlorida
Source: CBS 12